DIY glass jars: put these jars to some use

It's a DIY✌✌ 

As i just began blogging so i wanted to start it all with a little simple stuff❤❤......
So here is an easy DIY✌✌ ......
You all might have empty jam jars or mason  jars in your homes {everybody have jam jars in their homes!!!!.....if not then ask your friends ☺☺or take any empty glass jar}. 
Lets put these empty jars to some use;-) 

What all you need

 An empty glass jar.
 A form brush or any form
 Some acrylic paints and paint brushes. 
That's all you need.....i said it already it's easy☺.

What you have to do?

 Take a jar 
 Paint the jar using form brush  you have to paint it by dabbing it on the glass { don't rub the form brush just simply dab it on the glass jar }
 You can make any pattern or something like i did 

 Let it dry and then you can put your paint brushes or makeup brushes or your stationary or put some flowers, whatever you want.
It's simple and easy at least you can use these jars rather than throwing them away.....i did this DIY a year ago and i have been using this jar since then....i keep my pencil colours in it.....i keep this on my study table❤❤✌✌ .

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